Here we go again, looking for an effective therapy for COVID-19. It’s like the story of medieval knights where every brave knight is bringing his meds, supplements and potions to see if they can vanquish the dragon plague ravaging the kingdom. All the drug companies are hoping...
With the myriad assortment of statistics developing for COVD-19 infection we can all agree that some people, especially the elderly, suffer more. We might just chalk it up to age and general decline, but thankfully researchers like to know more. This article discusses 2 theories about...
Another group of researchers compared immune responses of two sets of Chinese patients experiencing COVID-19 infection. Interestingly, in those with the asymptomatic disease confirmed by PCR tests, their immune responses seemed less robust than the symptomatic group. Why would a...
Thankfully, COVID affects children far less severely than adults, but why? The more we can understand our immune responses against COVID-19, the more likely we can find ways to combat the disease and boost those defenses. The fact that children do not suffer as often or as severely as...
This week’s main post considered a study comparing the efficacy if different materials used to make masks in the era of COVID. With a few quick mini posts, I want to evaluate this site from the University of Cambridge. The site appears intended to provide “research”...
This week’s main post considered a study comparing the efficacy if different materials used to make masks in the era of COVID. With a few quick mini posts, I want to evaluate this site from the University of Cambridge. The site appears intended to provide “research”...
This week’s main post considered a study comparing the efficacy if different materials used to make masks in the era of COVID. With a few quick mini posts, I want to evaluate this site from the University of Cambridge. The site appears intended to provide “research”...
Our bodies are turning out to be less machine like and instead much more intricately interrelated as researchers at Washington University School of Medicine uncover more connections between our immune system and our brain’s functions. This should come as no surprise as everyone who...
Scientists at the University of Cincinnati reported links between the Epstein Barr Virus and 7 deadly sisease in the journal Natur. The diseases include multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arhtiritis, juvenile idiopathic arthirtis, celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disase, lupus, and type 1...
Studies link the common EBV virus with the development of the autoimmune disease multiple sclerosis in hispanics and African Armicans. Prior studies had focused on caucasian populations, but this demonstrates the link in other races.
Annette Langer-Gould, Jun Wu, Robyn Lucas, Jessica...
Researchers uncovered a link between a DNA binding factor and reactions to lymphocytic chooriomeningitis virus in causing multiple sclerosis. This highlights how viral infections can underly a part of this deadly disease’s pathogenesis.
Nicolas Page, Bogna Klimek, Mathias De...
Environment plus genetics equals disease could be included in nearly every autoimmune condition that patients face today. This is not new news. For example, an genetic variant of the immune gene HLA-DR15 has been known as a risk factor for multiple sclerosis for almost 50 years. ...